Grain-free JK Gourmet Product Review

I was recently sent a few samples of Grain-free JK Gourmet and asked to do a product review of their gluten-free, dairy-free and paleo f...

I was recently sent a few samples of Grain-free JK Gourmet and asked to do a product review of their gluten-free, dairy-free and paleo friendly products. I happily obliged but quickly realized that everything they sent me was nut-based (I have a sensitivity to tree nuts and stay far away these days) so, committed to carrying out my review I used my husband as my taste tester. He is the official Baking Backwards recipe tester and nothing makes it onto this blog without passing his inspection. His taste buds are wholeheartedly endorsed by me, ha. I should start by saying that I received a call one afternoon from a very hangry husband announcing that I'd received the product package, he'd opened it and was waiting for my permission to eat it all..."But I need to take a photo..." *Expletive*. "When will you be home dear?" "30 minutes." *grumble* "Looking forward to it..."

I came home to find the package I had left on our counter ripped open, the delicately wrapped package from within it displayed on the countertop. "I'll get my camera". I took a few pics and my happy husband tucked in. He headed straight for the pretty round of vegan dark chocolate with almonds and currants. "This is nice, very nice", he said, with a wave of calm washing over him gently. "I'm glad dear". 

My husband has a very hard week. His job can be very physically demanding and he often doesn't get enough spare time to eat a proper lunch. He often comes home absolutely starving and all I can say is these Grain-free JK Gourmet items were a godsend that day. He ate all the chocolate in one sitting and then grabbed a bowl and enjoyed their fruit and nut filled grain-free granola. "It's really good, I approve."

Over the next few days he happily polished off the artisan granola and tested out the gourmet sesame and seed snaps (called GG Bites) for snacks. He even shared the snaps with his boss. They both LOVED them. 

This product blew all the others he tried out of the water. He was really sad to see them finished. He would definitely eat the snaps again, would love a gift of the granola and would happily chase his occasional post work starvation with the chocolate disks. Thumbs up.

Ingredient wise I have to say I really dig this brand. They use high quality ingredients suitable for many restricted diets. Their chocolate is raw, as well as free of soy and dairy which is rare and great to see. It's sweetened with honey and fruit-juice sweetened fruit pieces. I make my own chocolate and use honey as well, I love the combination. Their granola is very traditional in flavour but unconventional in ingredients making it a great gift for anyone you know who is following a grain-free diet. It is also oat-free which to me is great because my gluten-sensitivity means oats often rub me the wrong way, even wheat-free oats! All products are gluten-free, dairy-free and paleo friendly so put them on your list if you or your loved ones are wishing for healthy but delicious treats this Christmas.

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